Pop Quiz

A male friend phones on a Friday afternoon to see if you are free for dinner. You are, so you accept and both agree on a restaurant and an approximate time to meet there. You finish up your work, pack things away, and catch the appropriate transport to make sure you arrive at the arranged dinner date at the correct time. On your way, you receive a text message from your dinner date saying he has booked a table at agreed restaurant for 7:15pm and asking if that's ok. You text back saying that is perfect. You are completely on time for making the dinner in a punctual fashion.

You disembark your transport and make your way to the restaurant. Entering the restaurant at exactly 7:15pm, you note it's quite busy, and take a moment to scan the room to locate your dinner companion.

Question One: Where is your dinner date?
Question Two: What name did he book the dinner reservation under?