Muscles remembering what my memory forgets

Last Friday night I dragged my DLSr and tripod out under the stars to take photographs of the lunar eclipse.

Out there, in the dark, I realised I'd forgotten how to take a long exposure photograph. I tried different menus and thought different memories until I eventually dragged the information from the depths of my brain and took a bunch of blurry photos of the moon. 

Afterwards, as I was falling asleep thinking about how it's getting harder and harder for me to remember things I realised that no matter what age I am, or how much I’ve done it lately, I always know how to touch type.

Muscle memory has been used synonymously with motor learning, which is a form of procedural memory that involves consolidating a specific motor task into memory through repetition. When a movement is repeated over time, a long-term muscle memory is created for that task, eventually allowing it to be performed without conscious effort.

I began to learn to type at school in third form - that's aged 13 years old here in New Zealand. We had big, old, manual typewriters that weighed a ton and took great effort to push the keys down hard enough to type a letter. Each typewriter also had a fabric bib tied around it covering the keys. Right from day one we never were allowed to look at the keys. We’d come to class, take our seats, slip our hands underneath the bib and find the home keys with our fingertips.

Our teacher, a nun with the Sisters of Mercy - a misnomer if ever there was one - drilled our fingers into submission and toned our muscle memory for the typewriter keyboard. Over the next two years I learned to touch type and by the time I left that school and moved to Taranaki to a new high school with bibles typewriters, I was the only person in the new class who could touch type.

After leaving school in 1980 to start my first job as a clerk in a draughting office, I didn't need to type in my life again until the mid-nineties when I discovered the Netscape browser icon on my husband's MacIntosh laptop.

So let's pause for a moment to recap:

  • 3 years of typing tuition resulting in the skill to touch type
  • 16 years of not typing
  • 1996 sat down at a keyboard and could touch type.

Now that's some amazing teaching and learning right there. That typing stuff stuck!

The Sister of Mercy who wouldn't let me use a typing eraser; who wouldn't let me look at my keys; who drilled and intimidated and scolded and insisted that we concentrated, taught my muscles and my memory to do something so well, that I could recall it 16 years after my last lesson to use it again with very little problem.

Back in those days girls like me took typing. I was the kind of girl who believed she didn't have an aptitude for language or mathematics, who had little hope of being smart enough for university, who would, if lucky, get a job in a typing pool and hoped she'd "marry well”. 

I didn't end up using my primary skill of touch typing when I applied for jobs after high school. I did end up using my self-taught skill of tracing and became a draughtsman instead.

Lunar eclipse on Friday 4 April 2015

Lunar eclipse on Friday 4 April 2015

So how did my brain remember how to type without looking at the keys when I can’t even remember how to leave the shutter open on my own camera when I need to? I suspect it was those drills. Hours upon hours of typing drills. I can still remember what some of them were:

  • okay I don't remember them after all
  • but my muscles in my brain and fingers
  • still know where the letters are on the keyboard.

Today I am grateful to that Sister of [Little] Mercy who drilled my muscles until they would never forget how to tap on a keyboard without looking at my fingers. It turned out to be the Number One most useful skill to learn in the 1970s for the future that turns out to depend so heavily on the QWERTY keyboard input device.

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Yum Kipper

Thought for the Day: If you are eating your last meal for the next 48 hours, and it happens to be Rice Bubbles and milk, don't put pineapple in there just to use it up cos it curdles the milk. Words to Live By. I am feeling slightly guilty about blogging instead of working - only slightly, mind. Not enough to have me open Word instead of MovableType. The force is strong in this one Obi Wan. You. Can't. Make. Me. Well okay, you can but I'll do some work after this. Firstly, I'd like to report no shin splints again this morning. I hope they never return. Though I know they will - just part of being a prime athlete I guess. *ahem* shut up. Secondly, tomorrow I get to go to Auckland Endoscopey for my annual (funny word, all things considered) endoscopy and colonoscopy. I really really hate going there and having those procedures* done - not the least of which because I woke up half way through the endoscopey last time and well let me confirm my gag refex is a very strong one in that situation. Naturally, I'm a little apprehensive. (A little? Michelle you've been dodging this Doctor's phone calls for 8.months. He only found you because one of your darling family members gave him your cellphone number and his receptionist is a pitbull terrier of a woman who wouldn't let you not make this appointment.) So from now until Thursday morning, I'm not allowed to eat. And tomorrow they find out what we all already know - I am perfectly fine! I was talking to Dave from tinyenvelope about how the mind plays funny tricks on a person. Or rather he was talking to me about it seeing as he was fasting. How when you're busy you can go all day without eating and it doesn't bother you, but knowing you can't have food and half an hour into your fast your stomach is growling to beat the band. Of course I was incredibly helpful by only being able to talk about food. Another cute trick had Phet needing to eat after seeing that photograph of the Rare Lamb Salad *score* I think I might try more of that and see what else I can get him to do. Food is really annoying. I've always wanted the future to include a meal-in-a-pill like the 1950s image of 2004 predicted. I get so sick of buying food and then storing it, then throwing it out three weeks later because I never used the damn stuff. I used to love cooking but I had that knocked out of me to the point of only ever having alcholic beverages in my refridgerator. I'm getting better again, finding easy meals to cook for one but I still don't find a hellovalot of joy in the process of fixing a meal. At least I don't obssess over it anymore. It's almost like a sideline annoyance - a bit like sleep actually. On saying that though, there're few things nicer than a) being satisfied after a nice meal and b) waking up in a snuggly warm bed. So if we could just bottle the "afters" that'd be great. Pop a pill with all the nutritional needs with the added comfort feeling of a full tummy; another pill to stimulate the mind and body into not needing sleep but giving you the smiley warm sheeted feeling; a pill that made your body feel like it's just run 10km and release all those delicious endorphins without ever lacing up a running shoe - that's all I want for Christmas, NASA. *not this Procedure **don't forget, you can vote in this year's Net Guide Awards until 5pm October 11th**
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