The Jamjar

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Status check - January

QOTD:  Is this what it felt like after Dorothy killed the Wicked Witch of the West?

I used to look at birth dates of World War One soldiers that ended in 1918 and feel like that was such a long time ago to be born - probably because I was born in the sixties, people born in the first twenty years of the century seemed like a strange time to be born. And it was, of course, from my perspectives. As a kid I used to also wonder if those people knew they’d been born in the “olden days”.

Now we’re in 2018 I realise we’re living in the “olden days”.

Of course today feels modern, doesn’t it? Privately launching rockets, self driving cars, the internet - you could be fooled into thinking we’re living in mankind’s most developed era - but those people living in 1918 also thought they were living in the “modern era”: bicycles, motor cars, electricity. 

My late grandfather professed no person would ever see as much change as he had thought his 96 years. From horse-draw carts through to combustion engines and putting a man on the moon. He found it hard to believe the human race could traverse so much “change” in the next 100 years and that he’d seen us reach our developmental peak.

Your grand children will look back on this time and be incredulous of our lives. That we drove our own cars (omg how DANGEROUS!) that we interacted with a connective network called the internet via hand-held devices (omg how BIG and CLUNKY!) and that we used to eat animals (omg how BARBARIC!!).

So welcome to a New Year in the olden days, everyone. 

Rabbit update

I dreamed somewhere that you could clicker-train rabbits. That by using a clicker, having the rabbit do what you need him to do (your accounts, clean the oven etc) you rewarded him with some tasty treat. Makes sense, other animals can be trained that way too. Hell, I can be trained that way!

Last time I was at the Vet Clinic, I picked up a packet of over priced rabbit treats - the ones the vet says are good for your bunny in moderation - popped them in a jar and started a daily routine of shaking the jar and dispensing one treat per rabbit.

Turns out, only half the rabbits give a damn about the overpriced treats and even then, not that much. 


I like going to the movies alone. I went to Star Wars: The Last Jedi with my camera so I could video my reaction to the opening music and scenes. What? It was for - I was going to go on about how I saw the first Star Wars in 1977 and that music still gives me the chills and talk about some of the history of the franchise and all that jazz. But turns out the movie was so borrring I didn't end up doing much with the footage at all. So there.

Jumanji - took the adult daughter and 11 year old grand daughter during the holidays and had a good time. Some good gags, not too long, not to silly, great holiday flick.

Music videos from the 80s - omg, what were we thinking??


Artemis by Andy Weir - is it because his main character is a woman now he can't write as well? Okay beach-read and might even make an ok movie.

The Loneliest Girl in the Universe by someone I can't remember. Didn't realise it was a Young Adult novel - passed it on to the grand kid: she loved it.


Raspberry vinegar!! I made a batch a couple of years ago and thought it was high-time I had more in my pantry. I changed my recipe and like this one better because it's easier to remember:

  • 3 cups of raspberries
  • 2 cups of white vinegar
  • 1 cup of sugar

Dissolve the sugar in the vinegar in a glass bowl or stainless steel pot (not aluminium, it will react with the vinegar) before soaking the raspberries in the mixture. Using a potato masher smoosh every second raspberry (ok just smoosh some of them) and let the mixture soak for 48 hours. Strain and drain the liquid through cheese cloth and bottle. Store in a cool, dark place in your pantry. You can use it immediately.

Working on

New kitchen - the lady from the window treatment place came out to talk to me about plantation shutters for the dinning and kitchen. They're a bit exy but I do think they will be great. Almost at the point of confirming them to be part of my new kitchen, just gotta talk to the builder and see if he sees any reason not to.

Thinking about

2018 - kinda consumed about it atm to be honest. Will report back soon