The Jamjar

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Kitchen Renovations

This kitchen's days were numbered the day we moved in. Willo loves to cook and needed more benchspace, more light and better appliances. Not long after we moved in he met with a designer and they figured out what and where and how and, more importantly, how much. The plans were drawn, the quote was accepted and now the date of renovation has finally arrived.

chipping away at stubborn tiles

First things first: packing up the kitchen, removing the cast iron wood oven and getting those tiles off the back wall. Grey Sundays and a hip-hop soundtrack are the requirements for such endeavours. I took to packing the pantry and kitchen cupboards we had filled only 5 months ago when we moved here. Willo tended to the big oven/tile adventure.

We both said how much we enjoyed smashing tiles, as they usually shatter satisfyingly from the weak grout that hold them in place. But like all famous words, these tiles made Willo work for his pleasure. They seemed to have been adherred to the brick work with a tar-like substance. Maybe something to do with the heat they had to endure being so close to the oven - but whatever reason, this substance is now loathed in our household. Four hours later though, Willo has taken the last piece of white ceramic from the wall and can drink a well earned beverage.

Meanwhile, I have about half a dozen boxes, loosely packed with our kitchen. Retaining a small selection of bowls and utensils to make and consume simple meals while the kitchen is out of operation but I do see there will be a lot of eating out and ordering pizza in the next couple of weeks when we get sick of eating weetbix and vegemite sandwiches.

The kitchen people arrive in the morning to rip out the old cupboards and pantry, coming back again the next day to put in all the new cabinetry. The counter tops will be stone and will be measured after the cabinets are in and arriving in another couple of weeks after that. The finished kitchen will be bright, functional and wonderful. Stay tuned!