The Jamjar

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Saturday, April 5, 2003 at 11:59 PM

Since my birthday, my tolerance for fools - thin as it was - has completely

and since I can firmly be a fool as well - I've completely lost
patience with myself. I had a truckload of rants built around hairdressers,
bosses, clients, recruitment agencies and web rip off merchants
- but I will absorb those into my brain and save you all from them.

Instead, I will tell
you that I have a new cell phone. It's pretty and its silver and
it has a electric blue backlight on the keys. Its a Nokia something-or-other
and I have to say, that orgainising it was so simple, it made
a very nice change to my week. I also ran into Mags and Marion
trying on hulking great diamond rings and I also have to note
that diamonds suit us all !

screen grab from</p><p>

Hi Michelle

Sorry about that.

We have recorded that we sent 3 emails to you requesting
permission to quote you.

Obviously between what we asked for and what we thought
we had permission for was not the same (ie, When I placed
your quote on our site, I assumed that one of our other
staff had received back permission from you. Hence why we
put the reference to your website etc as I assumed we had
permission when I put the quote on our site.)

Our sincere apologies for this, as you are quite right,
we would not have intentionally done this, as it is not

I have removed your quote.

Sorry about that.

Warm regards

Simon Cope

Customer Services


> From: "Michelle Park"

> Date: 2003/04/04 Fri AM 09:36:10 GMT+12:00

> To:

> CC:

> Subject: Copyright Infringement


> Dear Sir




> I have found you have taken content from my website and
used it on yours

> endorsing your sheepskin underlay. I have not given permission
for you use

> any of my opinions on your site and furthermore, I was
not referring to YOUR

> product when I made that statement.


> This is careless web copy. When quoting people you need
to seek their

> permission, their knowledge as to it's use.


> Please remove any reference to my website and the quote
you stole out of

> context.


> firmly annoyed,

> Michelle Park
