Project: Move it!

I’ve been moving more lately.

When I first started it hurt. Like “use-wheel-chair-access-rather-than-the-stairs-for-three-days” kinda hurt. Now i can do squats without losing the use of my legs. Oh they wobble, but they don’t stop working.

I’m not fit. Not by a very long stretch; but I am fitter.

I can talk while I walk; further, faster, more often. I can take the stairs (to Level 4 so far). If I hadn’t been doing weights there is no way I could’ve scuba-dived in Bali.

One of the things that has worked for me, where it hasn’t worked in the past, is:

  1. making exercise an appointment

  2. setting an end point

Using my superpower for being too embarrassed to be late to a meeting and knowing it’s only for <insert time here> has made exercising manageable. Since I proved my point over the last six months, I’ve decided to do more.

I’ll be moving it every business day for eight weeks. Starting next week with a combination of HIIT, boxing and weights group classes. That’s 40 classes.

I thought I’d let you know what I was doing as part of being accountable to myself. Yeh I know I said that I’d be too embarrassed to break an appointment but come on: it’s me - I bail on myself all the time!

So stay tuned. You might want to gamble and see who wins which week I drop out.